Getting started
All the information you need to get started using The Conqueror Challenges App.
Getting the most out of The Conqueror App
General information about The Conqueror.
Learn how to connect with other App / Devices such as: Fitbit, Strava, Runkeeper, Under Armour, Apple Health, Garmin Connect
Help I'm stuck!
Common help related questions
Star Trek™ Virtual Challenges
Harry Potter™ Virtual Challenges
Tomb Raider Virtual Challenges
Star Wars™ Virtual Challenges
Looney Tunes Virtual Challenges
Game of Thrones Virtual Challenges
The Lord of The Rings Virtual Challenges
Find information for the Lord of the Rings Virtual Challenges on The Conqueror
Scooby Doo Virtual Challenge
My Virtual Mission - Group Missions
Here you will find links to our new My Virtual Mission knowledge base.