Keep up to date with how your friends, family, and workmates are tracking with their own Conqueror challenges by creating a group/community. You'll be able to see each other's progress on the challenge map, without needing to be part of a team.
How to set up a Group/Community:
Open The Conqueror Challenges App.
Tap the menu icon on the right in the menu bar at the bottom of the screen.
Tap "My Groups.
Tap my communities.
Click on "Create a Group".
Choose a name, password, and tagline (optional).
Click on Select Photo if you want to have a community photo (optional).
Check that you have read the Terms of Service.
Tap save.
You can click on the created group/community and you can see all the members.
To invite others to join your community, send them the name, password (if you have assigned one), and invitation code. If you are unsure of your community's details, you can find them here. If they need help joining your community, refer them to this guide.
Step-by-step guide:
Need more help? Start a live chat on our support page of the App or Email our customer support team.